Our purpose

To inspire, inform, and enable businesses to better understand and improve their impact on their people, communities and the planet, so that they can grow successfully and sustainably.

Our values

  • We collaborate with our stakeholders to amplify our voices and make more of a difference

  • We share our experience and expertise to enable our stakeholders to be successful and sustainable

  • We inspire and encourage everyone to better understand and improve their impact

  • We act as a force for good in everything that we do.

Why it matters

We’re seeing a combination of top-down pressure from regulation, legislation, and taxation. And bottom-up pressure from customers, clients, employees, suppliers and investors -who are voting with their wallets and CVs.

The business case for change is compelling, and the time for positive impact is now.

Our SDGs

The 17 UN Global Sustainable Development Goals, outline the areas of urgent action required by all nations to achieve a peaceful and more sustainable future for people and the planet.

We have chosen three SDGs which we feel most strongly align to and support our business purpose and values.

SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

We all want to live in a place where we feel we belong and everyone and everything prospers.

When we established UK for Good we recognised the power of pride of place and that has become the foundation of our growth

As we grow Regions for Good across the UK we look forward to encouraging all players in communities; individuals, businesses, LEPs, Councils, universities and community organisations, to work together and build a better future.

That’s why right from the start we committed to donating 20% of our profits each year to local charities, and we each month we invite a charity or community organisation to come and showcase their work to our members.

SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Everything we do is underpinned by love for our planet and for the regeneration of it.

We believe we all have a responsibility to not only act sustainably, but have a positive impact on the environment.

We are a carbon negative business and are active advocates for sustainable business and living.

SDG 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

This SDG is about working together, as individuals, businesses, regions, for the world.

UK for Good is about uniting communities, to share, learn, and inspire change toward a better future.

To tackle the social and environmental challenges we face today, we need to work together; that’s why we are committed to partnerships for the goals.