Louisa Burman

B Leader

Louisa Burman

Louisa supports SMEs to understand, improve and report their impact. With over a decade of experience working across industries, for both SMEs and multi-billion pound businesses - specialising in audit, risk management and process improvement – she has the ability to understand businesses and their processes quickly and give valuable recommendations which best suit their strategic objectives and culture. Where appropriate, Louisa works to incorporate stakeholder engagement in her methods to help businesses co-design truly effective, positive change.

Louisa’s passion for sustainability, in particular around social value, has grown significantly over the last five years and was further amplified when she founded Liverpool SOUP, early 2019. Since starting her own consultancy she’s enjoyed growing her understanding is this area completing training with B Lab UK, the University of Cambridge's Institute for Sustainability Leadership and Social Value UK.

 Louisa advocates for place-based investment to unlock the potential ripple effects of social impact as demonstrated in the Board positions she holds with Kindred LCR and Sefton Park Palm House.